Appendix Eight


Matrix: Advantages and Disadvantages





Status and Recognition


opportunity to raise external perception of the qualities of York


opportunity to raise within the communities of York pride, local visibility and recognition of the city’s exceptional heritage


selling point for inward investment and economic development


selling point for tourism


Improves marketing potential




            World Market


Opportunity to promote a sense of place that can be used both to inform design of developments and quality of life for residents


Heritage could be perceived as a brake on development. We need the past but need to recognise York as a vibrant, social city of culture as well as history.


Possible increase in tourist numbers, which if not managed sustainably could be an issue


External Interference and involvement in City Decisions


Possible positive influence on planning decisions promoting sensitive and sympathetic development


Possible beneficial restriction of inappropriate development


Possible positive influence on conservation measures


Possible strengthening of case for archaeological conservation


Possible external help with improving urban architectural design and townscape appearance


Major developments already approved or in pipeline (York Central, Hungate, Piccadilly/ Castle Gateway schemes) 






Possible unwelcome negative influence on planning decisions


Possible constraint on new development


Possible external conservation scrutiny on development


Possible ossification of a vibrant City by external constraints



Possible Attraction of Increased Funds


Sharpens arguments for cash

            Heritage issues

            Improvement of infrastructure





If new developments are limited by WHS inward investment could be limited




Partnership funding will deliver sense of shared ownership of WH status if achieved.


Support funding could also be sought from within the city and beyond


Council needs to budget for contributions to both Stage 2  and particularly for Stage 3. 


Staffing arrangements unclear at present



World Heritage status would be a positive contribution to encouraging cultural tourism


It would allow York to work with Yorkshire’s two other World Heritage Sites (Fountain’s Abbey and Saltaire) to develop regional benefits from designation


Greater potential for research and understanding of the components and attributes that underpin York’s OUV


Greater sense of place and pride and engagement in the heritage of the city for residents


Benefits derived from World Heritage status depend to a large extent on the support and commitment that the community (private sector, public sector, owners, managers, residents) puts into the World Heritage Site recognising and taking the opportunities it offers.









Political requirements of other agencies (local regional national international) must be considered


Competition and Risk of failure


Need for a World Heritage Management Plan / Supplementary Planning Guidance


Relationship to existing City Initiatives and Policies

Need for Time/ Staff/ money

Need for Leadership

Local Authority/ Trust costs – application costs and subsequent running costs


Possible increased visitor pressure would concern residents - residents support must not be taken for granted


Possible negative local impact if tourist numbers rise in the city unsustainably


York is already an expensive place to live – WHS may exacerbate this issue